December 3, 2013

Here it is! a Short clip of an hour long recording of the Earth’s didgeridoo

Here it is! a Short clip of an hour long recording of the Earth’s didgeridoo.  The hotspring here is tapped by a long 4” black pvc pipe.  Air and water mix in a rhythm that takes several seconds to play out.  Air builds up in the pipe and then pushes it’s way out preceded by a surge of water.  I think this is a great relaxation ambient.  I’ll post the whole hour on  Once there, enter “My Home is on the Road” into the search and look for an episode called Alkali Hotspring Night.  At around minute 9 you’ll hear the sound of a car coming down the road and passing.   In this basin you can hear a car coming for over a minute, and see one coming sometimes for 15 minutes.  Really.  (check out road in background of Dec 1, 2013 blogpost to see the 15 minute road).  Near the begining of the recording I think one can hear the last of my footsteps after leaving the recorder.

After the recorder was there an hour, as Mary and I were finishing up a delightful dinner, a pick-up truck pulled in.  We could hear music drifting across the desert.  It went from “eye of the Tiger” to slower country songs.  I trudged off to recover the recorder.  I made a lot of noise and flashed my headlamp its brightest as I approached the spring.  The couple in the pool was quite friendly for having been told I was picking up my recorder.  After squinting at the screen of the recorder, I proclaimed: “Oh, it looks like it ran out of memory an hour ago or so…” Thus reashured, the man joked; “oh, you might a got some sex noises on there…”  Well, we may never know.

When I opened the file in my editor, it was easy to see the much louder part starting when their truck pulled up.  I deleted that whole section from the track without listening to it.  Descretion is the better part of valor.  enjoy.

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